I noticed that my ranking amongstjoeuser blogs has been climbing steadily. This is now the 64thmost popular blog on joeuser. "Go figure" as kids say thesedays. It is hard to imaging anything more boring to the generalpopulation, than how Joe's and Yvonne's respective fractures arehealing. Yvonne was seen today and was told to go back to the trauma specialtyclinic. He mother will take her there on Monday. There isunexplained swelling in her leg, and an occasional mild fever. Iasked h...
A couple of years ago, we went horsebackriding on Mackinac Island. That was an uneventful trip, almostboring in fact. Here is a picture from that trip. Noticethat I was wearing a helmet. I think I'll get one and wear itfrom now on. Could be useful in team meetings and such. Things are getting back to normal around here, except that neither ofus can do anything useful. I did learn about blogging and alittle about web layout, but one could argue about how us...
L ast night, I slept without the band that holds myarm in place. I woke up with one of the straps on my sling in thewrong place. It had slipped out from under my forearm, so it wasactually pulling my arm backward. I noticed somediscomfort. I drove Kevin to school. By the time I gotthere, I was pretty sore. I went to the Dough Boys bakery on Main St. and drank some coffee. My arm actually got so painful that I canceled everything and wenthome. I took two Vicodin, which is the first time ...
Yesterday was the 14th day after the accident, so I got to take off the immobilizing band that held the humerus up against my torso. That gives me a little more freedom. Now it is two mre weeks with the sling, then physical therapt Jackie went back to college in Battle Creek. The person Yvonne hired to take care of the horses came today. Yvonne has been getting a bit more active, but still can't walk very far, or lift anything more than a sandwich.
Thisis a picture of the three-inch long Euprymna scolopes , whichis a type of squid. It has a light-producing organ. This is notunusual. What is unusual, is the protein surrounding the organ, whichreflects light outward, thus making the light brighter. This proteinhas a kind of structure that previously was unknown. This discoverycould lead to nanotechnology for producing new kinds of opticaldevices. Unfortunately, noting that exciting is happening at our house. Thebig news is...
It now is 12 days since Yvonne andI were deposed unceremonially from our steeds. My doctor said that Ihave to use a immobilizing band to keep my right upper arm against mytorso. This is in addition to the sling. The band stays on for twoweeks. That means just two more days with it. I can tell that thetime frame is about right, because it is getting to be much easier tomove the arm back and forth, but not to raise it. I got a very small keyboard that Ican put on my lap, and typ...
This was my second full day back to work. It we wentfine. Of course, I'm starting to get tired of explaining toeverybody what happened to my arm. When I explain it, of course Ithen have to then listen to the person's story about how they, or somerelative or another, got thrown off a horse and almost gotkilled. This appears to be a a surprisingly common event. Icould start a third blog just with all the stories I have had to listento. Yvonne slowly has...
I did go in to work today. No problem really, althought I did have some mild pain and general discomfort by the end of the day. Also, everything takes longer to so, so I'n not very efficient. On the bright side of things, our unit in the hospital had very good attendance figures, probably the highest in a decade. It did seem kind of busy, come to think of it. It is going to be hard to keep up with the paperwork for the next few weeks.
Jackie and I told took Yvonne to the trauma clinic at theUniversity of Michigan Medical Center today. They repeated thechest X-ray. This shows that the pneumothorax is pretty muchresolved. They are not worried about her spleen. Theysuggested that both of us were helmets next time we go horsebackriding. I did not go to work today as I had planned. Therewas still a fair amount snow on the roads so I did not feel safedriving with only one good arm. I am planning to go to worktomo...
This not much to report today. We've had quite a bit of Senate continues to stone pretty hard. We have had quite a bit of snow and it continues to snow pretty hard. This dictation system occasionally may make some pretty strange mistakes. I may have to retract my statement about going to work tomorrow. If there is a very much snow on the ground, I will not feel safe driving, and will stay home. In that case, we may have to reschedule Yvonne's appointment. I'm still feeling pretty goo...
Todaywas a pretty good day. I drove to Ann Arbor and picked up Kevin. Wewent to Chili's to have lunch. We also went to Borders, the onewhere the workers are not on strike. I got a book and a specialedition of the magazine, maximum PC. After that, I dropped Kevin offat his mother's house. I then went to Mervyn's and got someextra-large pullover shirts. Then, I walked over to Office Depotand bought some office supplies. Throughout this excursion, I didnot notice any...
Are You A Blogaholic? Thank God I'm notin trouble yet! Are You A Blogaholic? Results Your Score: 40 / 100 YOUR SCORE 40.0% 40.0 points out of 100 AVG SCORE 43.0% 43.0 points out of 100 ...
HTML Markup - It is recommended that you use an editor, such as MS-FrontPage when creating your content. This will help to decrease errors, such as spelling and grammer and ensure reliable code creation when copying to the body field. The above quote was cut and pasted directly from the instructions for this blog site. We all know how important it is to avoid errors in grammer. Today, my sister and came over and delivered some groceries. This is much appreciated by all. The other maj...
http://www.imagestation.com/member/index.html?name=jyaroch&c=201 This is day six of our adventure. As of now, it has been 24 hours since I have taken any Vicodin. This is a good sign because it indicates that I might be able to go back to work on Monday. Yvonne is still having difficulty with shortness of breath. We have decided that we will not take her in for a chest X-ray today. Instead, we will ask them to do that at the University of Michigan when she goes in for the trauma clinic ...
This article is being dictated to a speech recognition program. I'm doing this hoping that it will prove to be a useful alternative to using the keyboard. This now Thursday, January 1st, 2004. It is now new year's day. To day I feel pretty well. Yvonne seems to be feeling better. Yvonne seems to be feeling better. I have been able to complete some chores such as feeding horses. I don't give them bales of hay, but I do give them grain. I can fill up their water buckets too. The horses a...