This is day six of our adventure. As of now, it has been 24 hours since I have taken any Vicodin. This is a good sign because it indicates that I might be able to go back to work on Monday. Yvonne is still having difficulty with shortness of breath. We have decided that we will not take her in for a chest X-ray today. Instead, we will ask them to do that at the University of Michigan when she goes in for the trauma clinic appointment. That appointment will be on Monday.
One of the most frustrating things for me about having a broken right arm, is that I am not be able to do any photography. All cameras are made to be used by a persons who can use their right hand. I would like to remind people that some of my pictures can be seen on the Internet. The URL is at the beginning of this article. These are not my best pictures; rather, they are ones of general interest. I would appreciate it if someone could e-mail some pictures of Theo. I will add those to the web site when I receive them. I remember that at 1 point I received in a picture of babie's first JPEG. That would make a good addition. stop dictation.