A website to help us keep in touch
Published on January 7, 2004 By JCY In Home & Family
This was my second full day back to work.  It we went fine.  Of course, I'm starting to get tired of explaining to everybody what happened to my arm.  When I explain it, of course I then have to then listen to the person's story about how they, or some relative or another, got thrown off a horse and almost got killed.  This appears to be a a surprisingly common event.  I could start a third blog just with all the stories I have had to listen to.

Yvonne slowly has been getting to be more active.  Today, Jackie and her boyfriend, James, came over to fix dinner for us.  That's a very nice thing for them to do.  Also, two different people at work also offered to make dinner and bring it over to the house.  Thanks again to everyone for all their support. 
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