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Published on January 14, 2004 By JCY In Home & Family
I noticed that my ranking amongst joeuser blogs has been climbing steadily. This is now the 64th most popular blog on joeuser. "Go figure" as kids say these days. It is hard to imaging anything more boring to the general population, than how Joe's and Yvonne's respective fractures are healing.

Yvonne was seen today and was told to go back to the trauma specialty clinic. He mother will take her there on Monday. There is unexplained swelling in her leg, and an occasional mild fever. I asked her to make a point of getting up and walking a bit at least every two hours. This will help prevent blood clots, and pneumonia, both of which are risks for her. Yvonne did graduate from Oxycontin to Vicodin, which is progress of a sort.

As for my shoulder, I am getting more pain lately. This almost certainly is because I am using my right arm more, so it's my own fault. I carry groceries, open doors, etc. There's no real harm in this, and it may actually help speed recovery by minimizing atrophy and by maintaining at least some range of motion.

My coworkers continue to earn brownie points by providing food. Yvonne is impressed by this. I kept tellng her, back when she worked at the VA, how a healthy team should function. She always was jealous, because her team was anything but healthy...

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