A website to help us keep in touch
Published on January 2, 2004 By JCY In Home & Family
HTML Markup - It is recommended that you use an editor, such as MS-FrontPage when creating your content. This will help to decrease errors, such as spelling and grammer and ensure reliable code creation when copying to the body field.

The above quote was cut and pasted directly from the instructions for this blog site. We all know how important it is to avoid errors in grammer.

Today, my sister and came over and delivered some groceries. This is much appreciated by all. The other major event today, is that there appears to have been a final settlement for the lawsuit. Specifically, we received a payoff. This is both good news and bad news. The good news is the we did at least get some of the money back. The bad news is that this opens the way for a development next to us. We will see what we cando to prevent the zoning changes that would be necessary for a developer to put in some houses there.
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