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JCY's Articles In Home & Family » Page 2
January 12, 2004 by JCY
L ast night, I slept without the band that holds myarm in place. I woke up with one of the straps on my sling in thewrong place. It had slipped out from under my forearm, so it wasactually pulling my arm backward. I noticed somediscomfort. I drove Kevin to school. By the time I gotthere, I was pretty sore. I went to the Dough Boys bakery on Main St. and drank some coffee. My arm actually got so painful that I canceled everything and wenthome. I took two Vicodin, which is the first time ...
January 13, 2004 by JCY
A couple of years ago, we went horsebackriding on Mackinac Island.  That was an uneventful trip, almostboring in fact.  Here is a picture from that trip.  Noticethat I was wearing a helmet.  I think I'll get one and wear itfrom now on.  Could be useful in team meetings and such. Things are getting back to normal around here, except that neither ofus can do anything useful.  I did learn about blogging and alittle about web layout, but one could argue about how us...
January 14, 2004 by JCY
I noticed that my ranking amongstjoeuser blogs has been climbing steadily. This is now the 64thmost popular blog on joeuser. "Go figure" as kids say thesedays. It is hard to imaging anything more boring to the generalpopulation, than how Joe's and Yvonne's respective fractures arehealing. Yvonne was seen today and was told to go back to the trauma specialtyclinic. He mother will take her there on Monday. There isunexplained swelling in her leg, and an occasional mild fever. Iasked h...
January 17, 2004 by JCY
I mentioned before, that once anyone finds out I was injured by gettingthown off a horse, I end up hearing the other person's story about howthey or someone else also almost got killed or whatever by gettingthrown or kicked et cetera. Now comes a story about someone kickedby a horse, who was saved because of a BarnCamĀ®. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/internet/01/16/horse.cam.ap/index.html Web cam watchers help woman kicked byhorse...
January 18, 2004 by JCY
OK, it is Sunday evening. I got home from the hospital at about 6PM, not too bad. Yvonne found out that the last pyment we got,which wassupposed to settle the lawsuit, bounced. That was forabout 22 thousand dollars. Althugh the settlement fr for onlyabout 2/3 of what we actually lost, we he all prepared to becontent. But for the last check to bounce, well, we are nothappy. We are fixing to file a complin with the state, since hehas a contractor's lincense, and start foreclusouree of hispr...
January 19, 2004 by JCY
Yvonne went to the trauma clinic again. They told her she has anavulsion, meaning that the thigh muscle was torn away from thebone. They are going to wait a week, then refer her to anorthopedic surgeon if it is not healing on its own. She's onnear-bedrest status until then. This means that she should nothave helped so much when Jacki and Mindi were cleaning over theweekend. It also explains all the swelling she's had. Itdoes nt explain the fever, but that has not happened again....
January 21, 2004 by JCY
The biggest challenge for my right now is that I am getting reallyimpatient. I have a new DVD recorder and would like to transfersome old home movies to DVD's, but I can't because I can't install thenew drive. I also would like to install aa front-mounted firewireport, but I can't do that either. We got a new prefabricated barnfor the horses. It was delivered today, but I can't put downbedding or rig a cable to hold the doors open. So, the horsescan't go in. (The barn was made by Build Mast...
January 22, 2004 by JCY
Thursday is one ofmy favorite days.  That is because I go to Albion in the afternoon.  Hardly anybody bothers me there. The students Isee are -- generally speaking -- fairly well put together, don't havecrummy insurance that gets in the way of what I am trying to do, andthey all get better fairly easily.  Oh, and they seem toappreciate my efforts.  Once a month, I have  trainingseminar in which I get to act like an expert.  Anyway, today Iended the day feeling fai...
January 24, 2004 by JCY
Today is supposed to be the day I can take off my sling. I did that, and found that I cannot extend my arm fully. It hurts quite a lot if I try. I also cannot raise my arm more that about 30 degrees. I've lost a lot of muscle mass in my arm and shoulder. So, I am going to keep using the sling when I go out, and some of the time at home. Without it, it is hard to remember to not try to extend it all the way. Yvonne is getting bored, more so day by day; she really can't do much of anythi...
January 27, 2004 by JCY
Today was busy.  I wentto work, then left early for my doctor's appointment.  Then I tookYvonne back to the UM for her appointment.  I was told that my armlooks to be healing as expected.  I am to start PT.  I stillneed to wear the sling a lot, but can have it off for short periods oftime.  He basically ratified what I already had started doing. Yvonne was told she does not have an avulsion fracture, although she isskeptical of this.  It really does feel l...
December 31, 2003 by JCY
This was written onOpenOffice.org (ooo) office suite software, which costs nothing, andwill save files in html format. Thisallows me to use special formatting. I actually don't know how itwill turn out... Ihad planned to go to work today, but ended up staying home. My armhurt too much so I took some Vicodin®. It wouldn't be safe todrive, plus, it makes me kind of dumb. The odd thing is, I don'tfeel impaired at all. I know I am though: I have troub...
January 29, 2004 by JCY
Joeuser was inaccesible for a few days.  So, I wasn'tposting.  I just realized it is back up.  One bit ofadvice.  If anyone wants to start a serious blog, they shouldeither use a paid site, or use one like Blogspot.   Blogspotautomaticay e-mails a copy of all of your posts back to you.  Thatway, if the site goes belly up, you still have a copy of all yourwork.  It the interim, after the Joeuser site came on line again,and I didnt know it yet, my ranking fe...
February 2, 2004 by JCY
On Saturday, I wentto lunch with the Senior Editor of Die Nienamdsblog .  We went toLotus Thai, which turned out to be a pretty goodrestaurant .   Later, Yvonne and I wentto the mall, then Best Buy, then CompUSA.  She has been playingher music too loud, and needsa new set of speakers for her computer. We didn't buy any.  Most of the good ones are either tooexpensive, or they are 5.1 sets.  Her computer does not have theright connections for 5.1...
February 6, 2004 by JCY
I've been getting lazy in my blogging. It is time for an update, definitely. Today is the third day I'm out of the sling. Sort of like when I first went back to work, I feel ok at the start of the day, but pretty sore by mid-afternoon. There is less intense pain, but more of an aching/burning kind of a pain. This probably is associated with the healing process. I am workinjg on improving range of motion. So far, I can get my elbow almost completely straight, and can raise my arm about 75 ...
February 20, 2004 by JCY
Yesteray,Yvonne got the CT scan of her hip and thigh.  We are hopeful thatthis will reveal the reason for all the swelling she has had.  Meanwhile, she was started on the Duragesic patch.  Thisprovides much betterpain control, so she is able to be more active.  She gets blistersonher skin from the patch, but that is a small price to pay for beingable to actually do stuff. Liz, the lady we hired to feed the horses, has developedproblems.  She keeps getting anem...