A website to help us keep in touch
Published on February 2, 2004 By JCY In Home & Family
On Saturday, I went to lunch with the Senior Editor of Die Nienamdsblog.  We went to Lotus Thai, which turned out to be a pretty good restaurant.  Later, Yvonne and I went to the mall, then Best Buy, then CompUSA.  She has been playing her music too loud, and needs a new set of speakers for her computer.  We didn't buy any.  Most of the good ones are either too expensive, or they are 5.1 sets.  Her computer does not have the right connections for 5.1.  Later I will order some 4.1 speakers on the Internet.  After we got home, she prepared dinner from the stuff my coworkers gave us. 

What is important about this is that she was abe to do all this without getting too worn out.  In the past, when she has been active, she wasn't able to do much the follwing day.  But today she did some things around the house, and went to Lowes and Tractor Supply Company to get things for the barn.  I stayed
home and researched the Patriot Act and wrote an article about it.  Did you know that the recent scandal involving Republican senate staffers accessing Democrat computer files could be viewed as a violation of the Patriot Act?  Ironic, isn't it, that  the staff involved work for people who voted for the Patriot Act?  How patriotic is it to steal computer files in order to influence judicial appointments? 

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