Jackie'sLament Manyof you have heard by now that Jackie is in the hospital. Shedeveloped a DVT inher right arm, just above theantecubital fossa. It has extended up the brachial vein, up tothethoracic outlet. Ultrasound characteristics indicate that itstarted distally and grew upward from there. She then developedone in her right leg, but I don't know the details of that. Since then, we have learned that her paternal grandmother died at aboutage 50 of a DVT. Her mate...
CTresults For some reason, doctors and other health care professionals tendto call computerized axial tomography scans "CT scans," while everyoneelse calls them "CAT scans." Whatever you call it, we now havethe results for Yvonne's thigh. She has a blood clot that is3/4" thick, four inches wide, and about 12 inches long, under theskin and over the muscle of her thigh. That comes out to be about36 cubic inches (20 fluid ounces) of blood that bled i...
Yvonneand I are still waiting for the results of her CAT scan. Meanwhile, she's had a migraine all day and hasn't been able to domuch. Overall, though, the positive thing for her is that she canbounce back fairly quickly after a setback, get back into her life, anddo things. Jackie still is having problems, so that is an addedstress. Kevin seems to be in good spirits, getting back in to theMock Trial competition, etc. I just go to work every day and tryto mak...
I suppose the frequency of posts to this blog is inversely proportionalto how well I am feeling. Since I feel better, I post less. Yvonne say a back specialist last week, who told her that the amount ofpain she has is expected. That seems like a waste of time, but itwasn't. Her PCP thought she should not have as much pain as shedoes. Now, with the expert's opinion, the PCP is more comfortableprescribing enough pain medication. The specialist also advisedher on ...