A website to help us keep in touch
Published on January 29, 2004 By JCY In Home & Family
Joeuser was inaccesible for a few days.  So, I wasn't posting.  I just realized it is back up.  One bit of advice.  If anyone wants to start a serious blog, they should either use a paid site, or use one like Blogspot.   Blogspot automaticay e-mails a copy of all of your posts back to you.  That way, if the site goes belly up, you still have a copy of all your work.  It the interim, after the Joeuser site came on line again, and I didnt know it yet, my ranking fell from 58 to 60.  Sixty out of what I don't know.  I paged through the ranking and got bored after reaching 1,100.  So it is 60 out of more than a thousand.  However, after 600 or so, they all have 15 points.  That corresponds to one post and no comments. 

Still, it seems strange that a blog that is only of interest to a very small group would have such a high rankng.  I think it is because I had been posting almost every day.  I suspect also that there are many people who just flip though the pages, aimlessly.  Every time someone views one of my pages, I get a few points.  Another factor is my infamous Monday (with explicit pictures) post.  I investigated this with the site tools and found out that people run searches on Google and Netscape etc., with the search phrase 'explict pictures.'  My post comes up, and people check it out.  Really, folks, the title was just for fun; I was not trying to get a higher ranking.  If anyone wants to look at anatomical diagrams of avulsion injuries, there are better places to do it. 
Someone else's llamas
Yvonne and I managed to be fairly active during the snow days.  Yvonne's ribs came out of place again, so she's back to being flat on her back.  Before that happened, though, we hauled four bales of hay, a bunch of sweet feed, and filled the water buckets.  We also swept the barn and ran a few errands.  We make a good pair, since she can't use her left leg, and I can't use my right arm. 
Someone else's sheltie
Tuesday and Wednesday, I couldn't get to work.  I had to wait until they plowed the road in front of the driveway.  The truck was able to get out of the driveway, but there is a drop-off on the other side of the road.  Since the end of the driveway is fairly steep, there would have been a chance that the truck would start sliding, go right across the road, through the fence, and down into the Jensen's llama field.  Then there would be llamas everywhere.  No, not something I want to see. 

Last summer, one of them did get out.  Tasha went nuts and herded it into a corner of the yard.  Being a Shetland Sheepdog, it was natural for her to do so.  But I would not want to see her trying to herd 50 llamas all at once.

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